5 Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework
- Security
- Reliability
- Performance Efficiency
- Cost Optimization
- Operational Excellence
Security Pillar
Identity and access management (IAM)
Detective controls
Infrastructure protection
Data protection
Incident response
Design Principles
- Implement security at all layers
- Enable traceability
- Apply principle of least privilege
- Focus on securing your system
- Automate security bbest practices
Reliability Pillar
Recover from issues/failures
Apply best practices in: (Reliability in the cloud 3 areas)
- Foundations
- Change management
- Failure management
Anticipate, respond, and prevent failures
Design Principles
- Test recovery procedures
- Automatically recover from failure
- Scale horizontally
- Stop guessing capacity
- Manage change in automation
Performance Efficiency Pillar
Select customizable solutions
Review to continually innovate
Monitor AWS services
Consider the trade-offs
Design Principles
- Democratize advanced technologies
- Go global in minutes
- Use a serverless architectures
- Experiment more often
- Have mechanical sympathy
Cost Optimization Pillar
Use cost-effective resources
Matching supply with demand
Increase expenditure awareness
Optimize over time
Design Principles
- Adopt a consumption model
- Measure overall efficiency
- Reduce spending on data center operations
- Analyze and attribute expenditure
- Use managed services
Operational Excellence Pillar
Manage and automate changes
Respond to events
Define the standards
Design Principles
- Perform operations as code
- Annotate documentation
- Make frequent, small, reversible changes
- Refine operations prcedures frequently
- Anticipate Failure
- Learn from all operational failures
More detailed documentation at https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/the-5-pillars-of-the-aws-well-architected-framework